Thanks to alecm on freenode for the idea. Thanks also to Andres Freund for pointing out a hole in the first implementation.
Access control is an excellent reason for allowing writes to a VIEW but not to the underlying table. You would ideally like that VIEW to act exactly like a TABLE, but when you put an INSTEAD OF trigger in there, what's coming back isn't necessarily what you'd expect...
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Thursday, February 3. 2011
I'm at the very exciting PostgreSQL Sessions in Paris, where I just talked about DBI-Link, and

where I'll talk about PL/Parrot to a frighteningly large room.
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where I'll talk about PL/Parrot to a frighteningly large room.
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Thursday, October 21. 2010
Kick 'em out, and keep 'em out!
It's sad, really. You're about to move a database to archival storage, possibly to /dev/null, but pesky users keep talking to it.
Continue reading "Kick 'em out, and keep 'em out!" »
Thursday, September 16. 2010
GRAPHical SQL (or how to make a forest)
Graphs? In Databases? Yes, you can!
Continue reading "GRAPHical SQL (or how to make a forest)" »
Saturday, July 24. 2010
MVC Backups
Since Josh Drake has failed to allow comments on his very excellent blog, especially this post,I have to respond below.
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